OYE Broadcasting Logo
Social Media Management

We use hashtag research, optimal time of day posting, and light hearted messaging to reach the maximum amount of people.


We will create and distribute social media content for your practice 3-4 times per week.


All photos and illustrations are created and produced by O.Y.E. creative team.

O.Y.E. Originals

Four Light-Hearted relatable vignettes that are focused on the importance of seeing your vision care specialists.

A Quarterly Ad Campaign

Featuring professionally produced and edited ads.

Printable In-Office Posters

Our original posters are designed to continue the messaging around your office. Each month a new poster arrives!

Do It Yourself

*$599.99 per Additional Office Location*


Includes full social media management.


*$799.99 per Additional Office Location*

Pricing Packages

* one-time onboarding fee of $149 at start of subscription.

Subscription Terms & Conditions

By subscribing, the subscriber acknowledges that they are receiving copyrighted content exclusively owned and created by O.Y.E. Broadcasting and can be used by subscriber for the sole purpose to enhance, market and expand its practice and entertain its patients in all forms of media. Subscriber further acknowledges and agrees to not share paid and exclusive content beyond its employees, patients and prospective patients with any other vision care doctor or specialist without the express written consent of O.Y.E. Broadcasting. All copyright laws apply.